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Advanced Settings for Autodl-IRSSI

In this tutorial we will go through the rest of the settings in autodl-irssi so you can fine tune your filters. We will also see example filters and their effects. I will assume you can navigate to the relevent pages, but if not look at the Autodl-IRSSI Tutorial first.


General Tab


Display name:-
This box is used to Name the filter in this example we have called it TV and this can be seen in the left Panel. To disable any filter just click the tick box to the left of the filter name.

Match Releases:-
This is a comma separated list and contains the search string that the filter uses to match releases. Because this data is not parsed you need to separate each word with a “?” to allow for release names. For example, “the?show” will match “” or “the-show” or “the show”.

? = single wild card
* = multiple wild cards
All filters are not case sensitive
, = delineator between filters for example *the?show*,*missing*,*f1*race* this will match all torrents with either “the show” or “missing” or “f1 german race” or “f1 spanish race” etc. it will not match “the daily show”.

Except Releases:-
This works exactly like the above filter except that any torrent matching this filter will not be downloaded. This is good for filtering out certain release groups or p2p releases or foreign language torrents etc.

Match sites:-
By clicking the button you can add multiple trackers to this filter by scrolling down the list and selecting the tracker by holding down Ctrl and clicking on the tracker name. === Minimum Size:- === Any torrent smaller than the entered value will not be downloaded. You can enter KB, or MB or GB as the units.

Maximum Size:-
Exactly the same as above except any torrent that is bigger than the entered value is not downloaded.

Max….downloads per:-
Here you can select the maximum number of times it will match the filter in a day, week or month. Great if you use a site that uploads scene and p2p releases and you want to not download every version that is released.

TV/Movie Tab

TV Show/Movie:-
This is a comma separated list almost identical to General>Match Releases except that you do not need to use the “?” so a filter of “*the show*” will match “the show” and “” and “the-show” but not “the daily show” for that you need “*the*show*” as the filter.

Seasons you wish you match, i.e 1,4,7 will match only season 1 and season 4 and season 7 but 1-5 will match all seasons from season 1 to season 5 inclusive

Episodes you wish to match i.e. 2,4,13 will match only episode 2 and episode 4 and episode 13 but 2-9 will match all episodes from episode 2 to episode 9 inclusive.

By clicking the button you can select the resolutions you wish to match i.e 720p. If you wish to match more than one resolution you click the button again and select the other resolution, repeat until all the resolutions you want are selected. To remove a resolution from the list click the button and select the resolution you no longer require, this in effect toggles the resolution on or off. Valid resolutions are one or more of the following: SD, 480i, 480p, 576p, 720p, 810p, 1080i, 1080p.

This operates exactly like Resolutions above except it specifies the encodes you wish to match. If you don't want windows WMV files, this option could be useful. Valid encoders are: XviD, DivX, x264, h.264 (or h264), mpeg2 (or mpeg-2), VC-1 (or VC1), WMV.

This operates exactly like Resolutions above except it specifies the sources you wish to match. Valid sources are one or more of the following: DSR, PDTV, HDTV, HR.PDTV, HR.HDTV, DVDRip, DVDScr, BDr, BD5, BD9, BDRip, BRRip, DVDR, MDVDR, HDDVD, HDDVDRip, BluRay, WEB-DL, TVRip, CAM, R5, TELESYNC, TS, TELECINE, TC. TELESYNC and TS are synonyms (you don't need both). Same for TELECINE and TC.

You can select individual years separated by “,” like “2008,1975,1982” or you can select a range of years like “1980-1999” or a mixture of both like “2000,2005,2010-2014”

Music Tab


This is used primarily on the trackers Waffles and What.CD

Years, i.e. 1997, 1959, 2010-2014 this would only match releases from the years 1997, 1959, and from 2010 to 2014 inclusive.

Artist or Artists you wish to match this filter is in the same form as the TV Shows/Movies filter explained earlier.

Album or Albums you wish to match this filter is in the same form as the TV Shows/Movies filter explained earlier.

Formats are selected from the drop down menu and added or deleted in exactly the same manner as the Resolution in TV/Movies tab. You can select from AAC, AC3, DTS, FLAC, MP3 and Ogg

Bitrates are selected from the drop down menu and added or deleted in exactly the same manner as the Resolution in TV/Movies tab. You can select from 192, 24bit Lossless, 256, 320, APS (VBR), APX (VBR), Lossless, Other, q8.x (VBR), V0 (VBR), V1 (VBR), V2 (VBR).

Sources are selected from the drop down menu and added or deleted in exactly the same manner as the Resolution in TV/Movies tab. You can select from Cassette, CD, DAT, DVD, Other, SACD, Soundboard, Vinyl and WEB.

Tags you wish to match, hip-hop, rock, blues etc. From the drop down menu you can choose to either match any one of the tags, or to match all of them.

Except tags:-
Tags you wish to not match, hip-hop, rock, blues etc. From the drop down menu you can choose to either not match any one of the tags, or to not match all of them.

Whether or not it's a scene release. From the drop down menu select “Don’t care” to match both scene and non scene, select “Yes” for only scene releases and “No” for only non scene releases.

Log, yes or no or don't care. Set it to true if you only want releases with a log file, false if you don't want releases with log files, or don't use this option if you don't care.

Cue, yes or no or don't care. Set it to true if you only want releases with a cue file, false if you don't want releases with cue files, or don't use this option if you don't care.

Advanced Tab


Match Categories:-
Categories you want. This is a comma separated list of the trackers categories you wish to match. You can use the “?” and “*” wild cards, The actual category name will be found on the individual trackers browse page.

Except Categories:-
Categories you do not want. This is a comma separated list of the trackers categories you wish not to match. You can use the “?” and “*” wild cards, The actual category name will be found on the individual trackers browse page.

Match Uploaders:-
Uploaders you wish to match. This is a comma separated list of the uploaders you wish to match. You can use the “?” and “*” wild cards.

Except Uploaders:-
Uploaders you do not wish to match. This is a comma separated list of the uploaders you wish not to match. You can use the “?” and “*” wild cards. Except Sites:- This is used exactly like the General>Match Sites and is a comma separated list of trackers you do not want to match.

Maximum pretime:-
This is a time-since string to use with trackers who announce pretime of releases. It is used to filter out old releases. It can be in days, hours, mins and secs.

Action Tab

  Action Global

Choose .torrent action:-
Use global settings takes the data from Preferences>Action

Choose .torrent action:-
When you select rtorrent a separate list of options opens up, these allow you to select more precisely what happens to your matched torrents.

This is the directory tree to the folder you want rtorrent to save the torrent data to. This is from the root folder of the server so to get to a folder named “TV Shows” that you have previously created in the default folder you would need to enter “/torrents/<YourServerLoginName>/TV Shows. This folder has to exist as rtorrent will not create the folder and the torrent will not download it will load and pause. You can use data from the torrent to create a folder for the data to be stored in. For example “/torrents/<YourServerLoginName>/$(Month)$(Day)” would put it in a folder in the default directory with the Month and day of the download as its name. Similarly you can use $(Tracker) and $(TorrentName). Depending on the version of rutorrent you may or may not have the browse button to use to navigate to the desired folder.

In this box you can enter a string to label the torrent. Or you could use the $(Tracker) if so desired. The label can be used along with rutorrents auto unrar settings to enable automatic unraring and moving of certain completed torrents.

Ratio Group:-
You can set this to any of the Ratio Groups already set in rutorrent Options so once the torrent has satisfied the chosen Ratio it will stop, delete the torrent, delete the torrent and data or change to a predefined uploading channel.

ruT channel:-
Here you can set the torrent to upload or download at a restricted maximum speed by setting it to a predefined channel set in rutorrent Options.

This can be set to High Normal or low to determine the resources rutorrent will set aside for the torrents download. Set it to Don’t download if you just want autodl-irssi to queue the torrent up on the server ready for you to manually start the download.

Don’t add torrent name to path:-
Leave this unticked to save the torrent in its original form in the folder chosen above. If you tick this option then a new folder named with the torrent name will be created and the torrent data saved in this new folder. Ignore rutorrent scheduler:- If this is ticked and you have the scheduler set in rutorrent Options then the matched torrent will not be effected by the set schedule.

Choose .torrent action:-
Save to Watch Folder puts the .torrent file in rutorrents watch folder so the torrent starts downloading automatically.


General Tab

Maximum saved releases:-
This is an integer to set the maximum number of releases to be saved to the logs.

Save download history:-
Tick this box to save the download history to a log.

Download duplicate releases:-
Tick this box to allow duplicates of torrents to be downloaded, this is handy to set your server to automatically x-seed torrents between trackers and only download one set of data. A hash check is performed prior to starting the second and subsequent torrents so the data has to be the same in all, quite often the nfo files or samples or screenshots vary slightly and this can cause errors if rtorrent re-starts or is manually restarted.

Use unique torrent filenames:-
If this box is ticked and the duplicate release box is also ticked then the torrents will be downloaded to unique folders, this removes the risk of the above error occurring but does mean the data will be downloaded 100% from each tracker.

Action Tab

  Preferences Action

This sets the global settings used in Filters>action. This can be either Save to Watch Folder so the torrent automatically starts with no restrictions and seeds indefinitely until manually stopped/deleted, or it can be set to rtorrent when it will download according to the default settings for rtorrent.


This sends the output data to a chosen irc.server and #channel.

Advanced Tab

These settings are best not altered unless told to by Xirvik.

tutorial_en_irssi_advanced.1399835709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/14 08:28 (external edit)