Making the most our of your seedbox account

If you are new to the seedbox world, most likely your impulse is to download 100 torrents and launch them immediately with no speed limits, seed limit, etc. If you are in private trackers where ratio is a concern, you may feel like looking for the torrents with the largest torrents with the most peers and start them immediately.

The seedbox is a high end server, with at least two HDs in a RAID setup (basically this means that the HDs are combined in such a way that the general performance is doubled). However, because torrents are very demanding in terms of input and output, there will be a point where the disks have a bad time keeping up, and the overall performance will be worse than if you launched your torrents with a bit of time between them. This has an easy explanation: When the torrents starts, space needs to be allocated for the new files. If this needs to be done for many files at the same time, the load on the server goes high for a while - and it is less responsive to other torrents and the web interface.

On the other hand, since the seedbox is always there and Xirvik accounts have plenty of space, there is no need to try to everything on the first day.

Regarding ratio, maybe the reason you got a seedbox account in the first place was to fix it in one or more sites. There are a few strategies that usually work, and a few things you should never do:
